Blogging · Married Life · self improvement

Procrastination Is My Super Power!

I owe you, my subscribers and friends, an apology. I have not been faithful. I promised lots of updates and witty stories and all sorts of other things, but, instead I let myself get distracted. Not that it’s an excuse, but, there has been a lot going on around here…mostly good things….and I just kept putting off my updates.

So… a quick update on my hormone situation. The good news is, I have still been feeling really good. It’s been 2 months now and it’s going well, I feel like me again. I can tell, however, that it is getting close to time for another pellet insertion, because I am a little more tired and having frequent hot flashes and night sweats again. Not quite as bad as before, but, still worse than none, which is where I was just a week ago. But, I will take a small procedure every 3 months over shots or pills any day! I will also stay on the pellets for as long as I can, finances allowing, because they really are a life changer!!

I got a bit of bad news a few weeks ago, when I went back for my 6 week follow up. It was actually quite upsetting and I spent the entire day crying and feeling sorry for myself. I was told, even after all of my efforts to avoid this very thing, that I have Type 2 Diabetes. How in the hell did this happen!?!? I mean, I’m pretty health conscious and I’m not overweight (a stigma, which I know is false, but, I was really upset at the time) My doctor has me on Metformin for now and I am back to strict low carb/keto, instead of the half ass way I was doing it the last year or so.

I’m not feeling sorry for myself any more though, because I am determined to turn this around. I am not going to just accept that this is my “new normal” (I hate that term, by the way) this is just a temporary set back and I will not go down without a fight. I knew my risks, because of my own history with hypoglycemia as a teenager, and with my family history. I should never have let myself get so lax. But, I did. I’m not really blaming myself as much as I am blaming my genetics, however, I do know that Type 2 Diabetes is 100% controllable and even reversible through diet and exercise. I also found out that I have hypothyroidism…so I am on meds for that as well. Yay me! It’s not cancer, and it’s not a death sentence, and that is what I remind myself!

Speaking of exercise, my husband just bought me a really nice recumbent bike, so I can workout at home. It should be here by this weekend…then he gets to put it together. I see lots of curse words in the near future….I really do appreciate that man of mine.

I have so many things to talk about. My list of blogging ideas is growing faster than I can keep up….so, I will have to come back and get started on all of the things I want to share with you. Most of it is happy news!

Until then…here is a little sneak peak at some things that have been keeping me away…

I have discovered the joys of creating beautiful things, and have even made a little extra money from people who seem to want to buy my creations!

And one day, I promise you, I will get organized and manage my time so that I can do all the things, then immediately write about it.


I probably shouldn’t make promises anymore though, honestly.

Hope you’re enjoying this Labor Day!

Until next time…. remember, you are valued in this world…



This is going to sound weird, but…


I use my timer for everything!

Well, not everything that would be weird! I can just see my husband and I getting frisky in bed, and I suddenly tell him to wait while I set my timer…

“Okay, we have exactly 15 minutes…ready, set, go!”

Yeah, that would probably kill the mood very quickly!

Seriously though, I use my timer for all the things that I need to get done during the day. Such as cleaning, working out, writing, and any other tasks I need or want to tackle. Why? Because I am a perfectionist, who also happens to be a little ADD, as well as a procrastinator. It’s not the best combination. But, it’s me.

Being a perfectionist, means if I do begin something, such as deciding to clean out ONE drawer in my kitchen. That one drawer can easily turn into a major whole kitchen clean out and rearrangement, with all the drawers and cabinets emptied all at once. Before, I know it, I find a photo of one of my kids, that somehow ended up in the middle of the mess, which then leads me to get on Facebook to check on them. Then I end up scrolling through facebook for 2 hours looking at videos of dogs. You get my point. I get absolutely nothing else done for the rest of the day and end up scrambling just to get a load of laundry done and dinner started, if I can even find a pan and a spatula.

As a procrastinator, I often feel like it’s never the right time to begin something. I know that in most cases I won’t be able to finish it that day, so I dont want to even start, because I don’t want to take a chance on having to quit in the middle. I put it off and put it off and put it off, then it never gets done and every time I open a kitchen drawer, it mocks me.

So, I have learned to use a timer to help keep me focused and help keep me from feeling overwhelmed. I learned how to do this about 20 years ago. I have not perfected it, because I still procrastinate and still get distracted, but, for the most part, it keeps me on track. You should have seen me 20 years ago! I was a hot mess.

This probably sounds silly to those of you who are super focused, organized, and efficient. Like, my mom, but, unfortunately, I did not inherit the born organized gene. I need help to keep my life together!

Here’s how it works…its simple. I usually just set my timer for 10 to 15 minutes per task, depending on how much time I have and what else I need to get done. In the case of the kitchen drawer, for example, I would choose a drawer to start with, set my timer for 15 minutes, then work diligently and as quickly as possible, trying to beat the timer. I throw away junk and organize one drawer at a time, moving quickly to the next drawer, until the timer goes off. Then I stop! I now have at least one, but, usually several drawers cleaned out by the time it dings. Thats more drawers than I had done 15 minutes earlier, and now I am free to go on to other things! Even another drawer if I want to. Progress, not perfection!

It’s amazing what can be accomplished in 15 minutes! A task that might seem like it’s going to take forever can actually get completed in that amount of time, or less, in most cases. Setting a timer gives the perfectionist in me permission to stop and move on to other things. Otherwise, I would never get anything else done, because of the procrastinator with ADD, in me.

My timer has become a very valuable life tool. It helps me get things done! If you can relate give it a try! Let me know if it helps you.

Oops! My time is up for today πŸ˜‰ Thank you for stopping by… See you soon!
